Bloodline Set

Jual Bloodline Set Hemodialisa Bioteq – Bahan lembut dan tidak berbelit menghindari peningkatan tekanan atau ketidakstabilan di sirkuit.

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Jual Bloodline Set Hemodialisa Bioteq.



  • Set tabung sirkuit darah ekstrakorporeal terdiri dari dua bagian, arteri dan vena, yang digunakan selama dialisis dan dipasang dengan fistula dan dialzer.
  • Bahan lembut dan tidak berbelit menghindari peningkatan tekanan atau ketidakstabilan di sirkuit.
  • Perangkat tubing ini dirancang agar pasien dapat menghubungkan sistem eksternal yang mengekstraksi darah pasien ke dialyzer.
  • Hanya untuk penggunaan tunggal, garis arteri berwarna merah: garis vena dengan warna biru; disterilkan dalam gas EO.
  • Ruang tetes saluran vena berisi filter untuk mencegah bekuan masuk ke pembuluh darah pasien.
  • Ruang tetes relatif lebih kecil untuk 102 seri, O.D. 19mm atau 20mm.
  • Tubing dibuat dalam PVC kelas medis. Jual Bloodline Set Hemodialisa Bioteq produk Kualitas Standart International. Hubungi kami :
Whatsapp : 082221749900
Tlpn : 031 855 5959
Email : [email protected]
Alamat : Jalan Delta Raya Barat No. 31, Deltasari Baru, Waru, Sidoarjo.

Additional information

Power Supply

Single phase 220-230V, 50/60 Hz

Max. power consumption

1.5 kW


approx. 320 x 1 ,352 x 375 mm



Supply water pressure

0.1 to 0.3 MPa

Supply water flow

more than 800 mL/min

Temperature of Supply water

1 0 to 30°C

Quality of supply water

Equivalent to or better than ISO 23500 standards

Range of dialysate temperature regulation

33 to 40°C

Range of dialysate flow regulation

300 to 700 mL/min (max 800 mL/min on rinse mode)

Range of UF rate regulation

0.01 to 5.00 L/hr

Range of dialysate conductivity regulation

Acetate dialysis and Bicarbonate dialysis : 1 3.0 to 1 8.0 mS/cm in 9 steps of approx. 0.3mS/cm

Range of blood flow regulation

8.0 mm* : 0 to 600 mL/min
6.0 mm * : 0 to 400 mL/min
*Inside diameters of blood tubing line

Range of syringe flow regulation

0 to 9.9 mL/hr (with super rapid S/W )

Available syringe size

10 mL/20 mL/30 mL

Air bubble detector

Ultrasonic detection system (Drip chamber type)

Blood leak detector* *:

Photoelectric detection system


500 ppm (Ht. 32 % and 37°C)


with chemicals 5% of sodium hypocholorite and/or 30% of acetic acid. )

Monitor Section

Dialysate temperature indicator : 0 to 99.9°C
Dialysate flow indicator : 400 to 600 mL/min
Venous pressure indicator : -200 to +400 mmHg
Arterial pressure indicator : -400 to +400mmHg
Dialysate pressure indicator : -400 to +400 mmHg
UF rate setter : 0.00 to 5.00 L/hr
UF goal setter: 0.00 to 40.0 L
Total UF volume indicator: 0.00 to 40.0 L
Blood flow indicator: 0 to 600 mL/hr
Syringe Flow Indicator : 0 to 9.9 mL/hr

•Specifications and designs are subject to change without notice for improvement.
•The instruction manual must be read thoroughly prior to the use of this system.


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